Interventions at Whitby Heath

At Whitby Heath, we want to make sure that all our children do as well as they can and achieve their full potential. The main way we achieve this is through providing quality first teaching day to day in the classroom, which caters for the varying needs of the children in the class.

Sometimes, an intervention may be necessary to further support a child's development within a particular area of the curriculum or to help them develop their social skills or self confidence and self esteem. As a school, we utilise a range of specific interventions for the core subjects of English and Mathematics and also for communication and pastoral care. These interventions may be one to one or in small groups.

ELSA - ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed. We are lucky enough to have two qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistants at Whitby Heath.

IDL - an interactive programme to develop pupils' reading and spelling as well as their confidence with these Literacy skills. A multi-sensory intervention, using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic methods. It has been purposefully designed to enable pupils to solely focus on letters and words as they appear on a plain, image free screen. We also now have an active subscription to the Numeracy programme. Pupils have their own individual login and work through 'lessons and modules'. They are assessed half termly to review the progress they make in terms of reading and spelling ages. Children can access this at home and we encourage them to continue using this platform during opportunties of Home Learning.