After School Clubs

Whitby Heath offers a wide range of after school clubs to appeal to as many children as possible. If your child is interested in attending one of the clubs on offer contact the school to see if there are any places available.


Summer 2 Clubs Timetable 2024

School Clubs

Day  Club  Staff
Monday 3-4pm Rounders Y3/4 Mr Goodwin
  Netball KS2  PGCE Students
  French KS1 Miss Boult
Tuesday 3-4pm Archery/Golf KS2 Mr Goodwin
  Art Club KS2

Mrs Lloyd

Wednesday 3-4pm Football KS1 S4YC
Thursday 3-4pm  Cricket Y5/6 Mrs Williams and Mr Spann
  Dance KS2 Mr Goodwin 
  Drawing KS1 Mrs Daniel
Friday 3-4pm Ultimate Frisbee KS2 Mr Goodwin
Friday 8-8.45am KS1 Fencing Little Musketeers
Friday 3-4pm KS2 Fencing Little Musketeers