
Through our computing curriculum, we teach pupils how to use and explore different types of technology safely such as iPads, Bee Bots and different types of computers. In addition, we teach our pupils how to use websites, algorithms, different apps, and computing software. 


At Whitby Heath Primary School our vision is to ensure that we teach our pupils how to stay safe online we do this by promoting E-Safety not just through lessons but also through assemblies and workshops. As well as teaching a high-quality of computing education that aims to prepare and encourage our pupils to become creative and independent users of computing technologies. It is vital that we prepare our pupils to become resilient for the changing technology world ahead. Computer skills are a key factor to empower pupils to be more resilient, creative, confident, and independent and to develop their problem-solving skills. We have high expectations for all pupils.



Computer Science is a crucial part of the curriculum it teaches pupils the values of information, how digital systems work information and being able to achieve this to program. The use of ICT will enrich and extend pupils’ learning across the whole curriculum. Through our Computing curriculum, all pupils are given the time to revise and revisit key perceptions as well as build upon prior knowledge this allows the pupils to build on their vocabulary and transfer their skills to future learning. In addition, we aim to expose children to the educational developments in computing and provide them with the opportunities to access the most effective and emerging technologies. This will allow our pupils to embrace and utilise new technologies in a socially responsible and safe way. At Whitby Heath Primary Academy we follow the iCompute program this links to the National Curriculum, it also offers pupils the skills to: program, learn basic skills to use a computer and computer software, learn how to make animations and to become digitally literate. These skills are important for their future, not just for their future careers but for their next step into High School as well.



To ensure the high principles of teaching and learning in Computing, we implemented a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. This curriculum especially focuses on the progression of knowledge and skills and vocabulary progression. Computing is taught by following the iCompute program which we use as our curriculum and it links to the Computing National Curriculum. We use iCompute in all the years from EYFS to Y6 this makes it consistent throughout the school.

At Whitby Heath Primary School, we ensure that Computing has similar importance given to it as the core subjects, as we feel this is important to enable the pupil’s confidence and independent skills. Throughout the year we develop the pupil’s vocabulary by revising and introducing new vocabulary therefore, their vocabulary is always expanding. We encourage a comprehensive environment with all of our curriculum and ensure all pupils, including those most vulnerable and those who are disadvantaged, have the opportunity to access the full and extensive curriculum, through carefully planned support and scaffolding as required.

Assessments are finalised each half term or termly depending on the year group, these assessments are taken from the iCompute program. The assessments inform us of what each child knows about Computing they also notify us of any misconceptions that will need to be addressed for future teaching and to fill their class’s gaps in knowledge. Teachers are provided with training for E-Safety and to ensure their curriculum knowledge is up to date as possible. E-Safety is a crucial part of the Computing curriculum it prepares pupils, in a respectful and safe way, to use skills to operate technology and the internet. We discuss the importance of E-Safety through the Computing curriculum, assemblies and workshops; we also have E-Safety monitors who pupils can go talk to.



Within Computing, we strive to create a caring and collaborative ethos for learning by providing investigative and inquiry-based learning opportunities. Emphasis is placed on investigative learning opportunities to help children gain a coherent knowledge of understanding of each unit of work covered throughout the school.

Our Computing curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. We mainly focus on the progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary progression.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Assessing children’s understanding of topic linked vocabulary before and after the unit is taught.
  • Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning.
  • Conducting pupil voice with the pupils about their learning.
  • Deep Dives- where pupil’s books are scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work.
  • Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum within the Headteachers report to the Governors.

Our Computing policy can be found on our policies web page.

Subject Leader: Mr R Spann

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