
Maths Curriculum Leads: Mrs E Williams (Maths Strategic Lead), Mrs C Williams and Miss H Boult

Please download the Information to help you aid you child's understanding with the four operations of number from our Calculation Policy.

At Whitby Heath, we believe that Mathematics is best learnt through the children having a deep, conceptual understanding of a range of mathematical ideas. We challenge the children to make rich connections across distinct mathematical areas and to use their strong factual and procedural knowledge to help solve problems. By celebrating learning and through engaging challenges combined with the application of a concrete, pictorial and abstract teaching and learning approach, we inspire the children to increase their fluency in mathematics, to become increasingly sophisticated problem solvers and to reason effectively and effeciently, both in Mathematics and across the curriculum. We endeavour to develop each pupil individually and personally, to promote enthusiasm, confidence and enjoyment of Mathematics itself.

We encourage children to be creative in their approach to problem solving and celebrate the ‘best mistakes’ as a way to move learning forwards. Through both our collaborative partner work and whole class learning, we promote curiosity – we want children to ‘notice’ the maths involved and look for patterns and meaning within their work. 

For Years 1-6, we have adopted the Power Maths long term planning approach to Maths. Power Maths is a whole-class mastery programme created in partnership with White Rose Maths. It is designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help to nurture confidence in maths. In Reception, we use Mastering Number suplimented by Power Maths. 

At Whitby Heath, we are working hard within the teaching of Maths.  Our aim is to develop a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths across the whole of our school – a culture that produces strong, secure Mathematics within each year group. By building confidence, resilience and a passion for Maths, we show all children that Maths is an exciting adventure that everyone can enjoy, value and master!

Please find below the Power Maths National Curriculum Progression in Maths documents that we use in the planning, teaching and delivery of Mathematics within our school. As well as other useful documents which outline our curriculum. Also find the overview of Mastering Number which is used in EYFS.

The children at Whitby Heath are encouraged to practice their Maths skills outside of the classroom. Reception and KS1 use Numbots as a home learning tool. KS2 use Mirodo as well as SATs Compaion for Year 6.

From Year 2, the children take part in the  Whitby Heath's own 'Times Table Challenge' where they are encouraged to learn and use thier times table facts. As they achieve each level of the challenge they earn awards. The class with the most points each week gain extra Golden Time on a Friday. The children also have the use of Times Table Rockstars to aid in their times tables learning. 

Our Calculation Policy and Mathematics Policy can both be found on our 'Curriculum Policies' webpage.

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